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Vulgate Verses 3: Latin


23. (Eph. 2:8) Dei donum est.

24. (Romans 14:8) Domini sumus.

25. (John 1:36) Ecce, agnus Dei.

26. (Matt. 14:33) Vere, Filius Dei es.

27. (II Cor. 6:16) Estis templum Dei vivi.

28. (Luke 6:20) Vestrum est regnum Dei.

29. (I Kings 17:24) Verbum Domini verum est.

30. (Psalms 100:5) Bonus Dominus in sempiternum.

31. (Psalms 89:52) Benedictus Dominus in sempiternum.

32. (Tobit 13:1) Magnus es, Domine, in aeternum.





Study Guide


23. The subject of the verb est is not stated here. There are many things, of course, which can be regarded as a gift of God! In the context of Ephesians, the full verse is: Gratia enim estis salvati per fidem et hoc non ex vobis Dei enim donum est, "For by grace you are saved through faith, and that is not from you, for it is a gift of God."


24. Notice the grammatical ambiguity of this verse! Based purely on grammar, it could mean in English either "We are the Lord's" or "We are lords, masters" (in English, too, as it happens, these are ambiguous in speech, although in writing the apostrophe distinguishes between them). In context, of course, the verse means, "We are the Lord's" (i.e., we belong to the Lord).


25. To learn more about the agnus dei as a Christian symbol and the role of this phrase in the liturgy, see this wikipedia article.


26. The word vere is an adverb. The verb, es, tells us that the subject of the verb is "you," with no need for an explicit pronoun, as we require in English.


27. The verb, estis, tells us that the subject of the verb is "you (plural)" with no need for an explicit pronoun, as we require in English. Notice that the plural "you" has a singular predicate: templum.


28. The use of vestrum in the predicate shows that the speaker is addressing a plural audience, it "belongs to you (plural)".


29. This is a very typical word order found in Latin: subject-predicate-verb (verbum Domini || verum || est).


30. Here the verb has been omitted: bonus (est) Dominus. The preposition in can take either the ablative case or the accusative case, as it does here. When it takes the accusative case it means, "into, towards, to, for" (in sempiternum, "for eternity").


31. You can see how this verse follows the same sentence pattern as Verse #30, substituting a different adjective for the predicate.


32. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Tobit. Although this verse has some similarities in structure to Verse #30 and Verse #31, there are some important differences. The verb is explicit: es, and the lord is addressed with a vocative form, Domine.


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