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Vulgate Verses 25: Latin


302. (Hosea 13:4) Ego Dominus Deus tuus.

303. (Jer. 32:27) Ego Dominus Deus universae carnis.

304. (Exodus 20:5) Ego sum Dominus Deus tuus, fortis, zelotes.

305. (Exodus 15:26) Ego Dominus, sanator tuus.

306. (John 10:30) Ego et Pater unum sumus.

307. (John 6:48) Ego sum panis vitae.

308. (John 8:12) Ego sum lux mundi.

309. (John 10:9) Ego sum ostium.

310. (John 10:11) Ego sum pastor bonus.

311. (John 11:25) Ego sum resurrectio et vita.

312. (John 14:6) Ego sum via et veritas et vita.

313. (Rev. 22:13) Ego principium et finis.

314. (Rev. 1:17) Ego sum primus et novissimus.

315. (Isaiah 6:8) Ecce, ego sum.

316. (Wisdom 7:1) Sum et ego mortalis homo, similis omnibus.

317. (Song of Sol. 2:1) Ego flos campi et lilium convallium.

318. (Amos 7:14) Non sum propheta et non sum filius prophetae, sed armentarius ego sum.


Study Guide


302. The verb is implied but not expressed: Ego (sum) Dominus Deus tuus.

303. The verb is implied but not expressed: Ego (sum) Dominus Deus universae carnis.

304. The letter "z" is your clue that the word zelotes comes from Greek. It is a noun meaning "a jealous person, one who loves with ardent zeal."

305. The verb is implied but not expressed: Ego (sum) Dominus, sanator tuus. The word sanator is in apposition to the word Dominus.

306. Be careful to distinguish between the subject, ego et Pater, and the predicate unum sumus.

307. The noun panis could be nominative singular or genitive singular; from the context, you can see here that it is nominative, and vitae is genitive singular.

308. The word mundi could be genitive singular or nominative plural; from the context here, you can tell that it is genitive singular.

309. From the Latin word ostium, "door," comes the word ostiarius, "the door-man," which ultimately gives us the word "usher" in English.

310. Although we use the word "pastor" in English to mean a church leader, in Latin the word pastor means "shepherd."

311. Don't be fooled by the -o ending on the word resurrectio; this is a feminine noun of the third declension, in the nominative singular, just like the word vita, which is a feminine nominative singular noun of the first declension.

312. Notice the nice alliteration in Latin: v-ia et v-eritas et v-ita.

313. For more about the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, see this post in the ReligiousReading.com blog.

314. In addition to meaning "newest," novissimus can also mean "latest," (as we talk about the "latest fashion") or "last."

315. This is the response of Isaiah the prophet to the voice of God, which he hears asking, "Whom shall I send? and who shall go for us?"

316. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Wisdom. The word et here is being used adverbially, meaning "also, likewise." Be careful to distinguish between the subject, ego, and the predicate, mortalis homo.

317. The verb is implied but not expressed: Ego (sum) flos campi et lilium convallium.

318. Be careful with the word prophetae. It belongs to the first declension, and takes the usual first declension endings (as you can see from the genitive singular form here, prophetae), but it is masculine in gender.


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