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Vulgate Verses 28: Latin


349. (Song of Sol. 4:7) Macula non est in te.

350. (Isaiah 41:10) Tecum sum ego.

351. (Psalms 36:9) Tecum est fons vitae.

352. (Luke 1:28) Dominus tecum.

353. (Joshua 1:9) Tecum est Dominus Deus tuus in omnibus.

354. (I Chron. 12:18) Pax tibi et pax adiutoribus tuis.

355. (Mark 14:36) Pater, omnia possibilia tibi sunt.

356. (Jer. 32:18) Dominus exercituum nomen tibi.

357. (II Chron. 6:14) Non est similis tui, Deus, in caelo et in terra.

358. (Deut. 30:14) Iuxta te est sermo valde, in ore tuo et in corde tuo.


Study Guide


349. This is an existential use of the verb "to be," meaning that the phrase non est can be rendered in English as "there is no..." From the Latin word macula we get the English word "immaculate" as in the Immaculate Conception.

350. The word tecum is equivalent to the prepositional phrase, cum te.

351. You can find references to the fons vitae in Proverbs, Psalms, and Ecclesiasticus.

352. These words form part of the Hail Mary prayer.

353. See the note to Verse #350 for tecum. See Verse #331 for a note about the phrase Dominus Deus.

354. These are the words spoken by Amasai to David, as he pledges the support of his tribe for David's battle.

355. Be careful to distinguish between the subject omnia and the predicate possibilia.

356. The verb is implied but not expressed: Dominus exercituum (est) nomen tibi. The dative tibi expresses possession.

357. The adjective similis can take a genitive complement, and the word tui serves as the genitive of the pronoun tu here (not to be confused with a form of the possessive adjective, tuus).

358. The adverb valde modifies the prepositional phrase iuxta te: "very near to you." For more information about the word valde, see Verse #233.


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