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Saved by Laura Gibbs
on February 21, 2010 at 1:13:25 pm


Home - Search - Proverbs  Group 1 (All) - Vulgate Group 1 (All)


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Latin Via Proverbs

and Vulgate Verses


Tres Columnae:

Mottoes and Proverbs

This wiki website accompanies the following Lulu books:


(1) Latin Via Proverbs: 4000 Proverbs, Mottoes and Sayings for Students of Latin


You can order the book from Lulu.com, or you can browse through the book here, starting at Proverbs  Group 1 or picking at random from List of All Proverb Groups.


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(2) Vulgate Verses: 4000 Sayings from the Bible for Teachers and Students of Latin


You can order the book from Lulu.com, or you can browse through the book here, starting at Vulgate  Group 1 or picking at random from List of All Vulgate Groups.

I've also got a list of Errata to be corrected in the next edition of the books.


In conjunction with the Tres Columnae project, I'll be publishing a series of mottoes and proverbs pages geared to the Tres Columnae: Lectiones online.


I'll be keeping a list of the newest additions to the collection here; for a complete list, see the Tres Columnae: Mottoes and Proverbs Index.




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