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Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 1: Latin


1. Scientia potentia.

2. Fortuna caeca est.

3. Fortuna est rotunda.

4. Vaga est fortuna.

5. Vitrea est fortuna.

6. Varia vita est.

7. Ita vita.

8. Longa est vita si plena est.

9. Roma aeterna.

10. Caeca invidia est.

11. Belua fera est avaritia.





Study Guide


1. Knowledge is power. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


2. Fortune is blind. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


3. Fortune is shaped like a wheel. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


4. Fortune is inconstant. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


5. Fortune is made of glass. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


6. Life is many-sided. (In other words, life has its good moments and bad moments, too.)


7. Such is life. (I like how this rhymes in Latin!)


8. Life is long, if it is a full life. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


9. Rome is eternal. (The Romans were certainly right about that, at least so far!)


10. Envy is blind. (Compare the English cliche, "blind with envy." What is interesting here is that the Latin word for "envy" is itself based on a verb of seeing. Literally, it means "looking on," the idea being that when you looking longing on something, you were doing so enviously or, even worse, casting the evil eye on it.)


11. Greed is a wild beast. (Greed, avaritia, is a dominant theme in Latin proverbs; see this AudioLatinProverbs.com post for a great proverb about people who are greedy for money.)


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