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Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 22: Latin


289. Vitae via virtus.

290. Vitae sal amicitia.

291. Animae sal amor.

292. Virtutis radix amor.

293. Amoris umbra invidia.

294. Mentis sol amor dei.

295. Auri fames imperiosa.

296. Virtutis iter arduum est.

297. Fratrum concordia rara.

298. Hostium munera non munera.

299. Principum saevitia bellum est.

300. Et verborum ordo mysterium est.

301. Cibi condimentum est fames, potionis sitis.

302. Crudelitatis mater avaritia est, pater furor. 





Study Guide


289. The way of life is virtue. (Notice the lovely alliteration in the Latin.)


290. Friendship is the salt of life. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


291. Love is the salt of the soul. (You can see an illustrated emblem with this motto in Otto Vaenius's Amoris divini emblemata, published in 1615.)


292. Love is the root of virtue. (You can see an illustrated emblem with this motto in Otto Vaenius's Amorum emblemata, published in 1608.)


293. Jealousy is love's shadow. (You can see an illustrated emblem with this motto in Otto Vaenius's Amorum emblemata, published in 1608, and alter in his Amoris divini emblemata, published in 1615. The later version has the more sinister shadows, it seems to me!)


294. The love of God is the sun of the mind. (You can see an illustrated emblem with this motto in Otto Vaenius's Amoris divini emblemata, published in 1615.)


295. Hunger for gold is overwhelming. (Notice that in English we say "hunger for," but the corresponding Latin expression uses the genitive, not the dative.)


296. The way of virtue is steep. (There is an Aesop's fable about the choice between the two ways: the arduous and difficult pass that eventually leads to freedom and repose, as opposed to the smooth and pleasant road that leads only to slavery and suffering.)


297. Agreement among brothers is rare. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


298. The enemies gifts are not gifts. (In other words: beware of the Trojan horse, a gift from an enemy that may contain the seeds of your own destruction.)


299. The rage of princes is war. (The idea is that the personal passions of those in power erupts into war which involves entire nations. Be careful with the Latin word principum, which is the genitive plural form of princeps, meaning "prince" or "rulers," as opposed to the neuter noun principium, "beginning." This phrase is included in the proverbs of Publilius Syrus, and it is also cited by Seneca, who says: Quantulum enim nocet privata crudelitas! principum saevitia bellum est, "How little damage is done by individual cruelty! The rage of princes is war.")


300. Even the order of the words is a mystery. (This is a comment made by Jerome regarding the difficulty of translating the Bible from one language into another, although it could also stand as a motto for the Latin student baffled by the mysteries of Latin word order. The Latin word mysterium is adopted from Greek, as you can tell by the letter "y," and it referred to religious worship.)


301. Hunger is the seasoning of food, and thirst the seasoning of drink. (Notice the parallel structure in the Latin, which allows the word condimentum to be omitted in the second part of the proverb: cibi condimentum est fames, potionis [condimentum est] sitis. The phrase is cited by Cicero.)


302. The mother of cruelty is greed, and its father is anger. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


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