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Group 95: Latin
1235. Pacem amo.
1236. Spero meliora.
1237. Post tenebras spero lucem.
1238. Omnia mea mecum porto.
1239. Omnes in malorum mari navigamus.
1240. Serius aut citius sedem properamus ad unam.
1241. Papulas observatis alienas, obsiti plurimis ulceribus.
1242. Ars est celare artem.
1243. Fraus est celare fraudem.
1244. Sapientis est mutare consilium.
1245. Pauperis est numerare pecus.
1246. Boni iudicis est ampliare iustitiam.
1247. Stulti est compedes, licet aureas, amare.
1248. Sine pennis volare haud facile est.
1249. Spectare suave est undas maris e litore.
Study Guide
1235. I love peace. (This is a motto of the Scott family.)
1236. I hope for better things. (This is another well-known personal motto.)
1237. After the shadows, I hope for light. (You can find this expression in the Book of Job.)
1238. All my things I carry with me. (You can read an essay on a similar saying at the blog.)
1239. We are all sailing in a sea of troubles. (Notice how the omnes modifies the implied, but not expressed, subject of the verb navigamus.)
1240. Sooner or later we all hurry on to the same abode. (This is taken from Ovid's Metamorphoses.)
1241. Overgrown with lots of ulcers, you are keen observers of other people's pimples. (This is from Seneca's De Vita Beata.)
1242. Art is to hide the art. (You can find various ways of expressing this same idea, but definitely less catchy: dissimulare debent artem, "they should conceal the art," si latet ars, prodest, "if the art is concealed, that's a good strategy.")
1243. It is fraud to conceal a fraud. (This is a saying from legal Latin - and it probably provided the model for the saying ars est celare artem, #1242.)
1244. It's a wise man who changes his mind. (You can read an essay about this saying at the AudioLatinProverbs blog.)
1245. It's a poor man who counts his sheep. (You can find this popular saying in Seneca and in Ovid, too.)
1246. It's a good judge who enlarges justice. (This is another saying from the Latin legal tradition, a positive spin on what might be called "activist judges" today.)
1247. It's a foolish man who loves his shackles, gold though they may be. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the blog.)
1248. It's not at all easy to fly without feathers. (You can find this saying in Plautus.)
1249. It is a sweet thing to watch the waves of the sea from the shore. (Compare a similar saying, In terra stantis pulcher conspectus in aequor, "When someone's standing on the land, the view of the water is lovely.")
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