Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next
Group 98: Latin
1274. Nihil obstat.
1275. Piger ipse sibi obstat.
1276. Ipsa furem cura vocat.
1277. Sus seipsum laudat.
1278. Inflat se tamquam rana.
1279. Suam quisque pellem portat.
1280. Suum quemque scelus agitat.
1281. Stat sua cuique dies.
1282. Tempus nos avidum devorat.
1283. Se excusat, se accusat.
1284. Bis peccat qui crimen negat.
1285. Dupliciter peccat qui se de crimine iactat.
1286. Calidum et frigidum ex eodem ore efflat.
Study Guide
1274. Nothing stands in the way. (This is the "imprimatur" which expresses the approval of the Roman Catholic Church for a work's publication.) Nihil obstat.
1275. The lazy man gets in his own way. (You can find this saying in Seneca.)
1276. Worry itself summons the thief. (You can find this saying in Ovid.)
1277. The pig praises itself. (The Latin word sus is "common" gender, meaning that it can function either as masculine or feminine.)
1278. He's puffing himself up like a frog. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the blog.)
1279. Each person carries his own skin. (Compare the English saying, "The wolf must die in his own skin.")
1280. Each person's misdeed disturbs him. (You can find this saying in Cicero.)
1281. Each person has his own day. (This is a phrase from Vergil's Aeneid.)
1282. Time gobbles us up greedily. (This is a saying from Seneca's Hercules Furens.)
1283. He excuses himself, he accuses himself. (You will also find this in the form Qui se excusat, se accusat, "He accuses himself who excuses himself.")
1284. He sins twice who denies the crime. (In other words, it's a crime to deny the crime.)
1285. He sins twice over who boasts about his crime. (This is even worse than the person in proverb #1284 who compounds his crime by denying it - this person actually boasts about it!)
1286. He blows hot and cold from the same mouth. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.8.30.)
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