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Group 111: Latin


1435. Iuppiter ex alto periuria ridet amantum.

1436. Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus.

1437. Omne aevum curae, cunctis sua displicet aetas.

1438. Cibus immodicus et animae et corpori nocet.

1439. Mella sub ore tenet, corde venena fovet.

1440. Praebet candoris lac nigri vacca coloris.

1441. Unus lanius non timet multas oves.

1442. Sus magis in caeno gaudet quam in fonte sereno.

1443. Astra tenent animam, cetera tellus habet.

1444. Mors omnes homines manet, divites et pauperes.

1445. Pauper ubique iacet, dum sua bursa tacet.

1446. Propheta in sua patria honorem non habet.

1447. Bona fama in tenebris proprium splendorem obtinet.





Study Guide


1435. Jupiter from on high scoffs at the oaths of lovers. (You can find this saying in Ovid's Ars amatoria.)


1436. Without Ceres (bread) and Bacchus (wine), Venus (love) grows cold. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia.)


1437. Every age is troublesome, and everyone is displeased with their time of life. (You can find this in one of the eclogues of Ausonius.)


1438. Excessive food harms both body and soul. (A simpler form of the phrase is cibus immodicus noxius, "excessive food is harmful.")


1439. He has honey in his mouth but keeps poison in his heart. (You can find this saying discussed in Tosi 213.)


1440. The cow who is black proffers milk that is white. (Compare the English saying, "A black hen layeth a white egg.")


1441. One butcher does not fear many sheep.  (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the blog.)


1442. A pig delights more in filth than in a shining fountain. (Compare the Aesop's fable about what the pig would like to find at the feast.)


1443. The stars keep the soul, the earth has the rest. (This is from a Roman epitaph.)


1444. Death awaits all men, rich and poor. (You can find a more general form in Erasmus's Adagia, 3.9.12: mors omnibus communis, "death is shared in common by all.")


1445. A poor man sleeps anywhere, when no coin jingles in his burse. (Notice the nice rhyme in the Latin, iacet-tacet, which reveals the proverb's medieval provenance; see Walther 20949.)


1446. A prophet gets no respect in his own homeland. (You can find this saying in the Gospel of John.)


1447. A good reputation acquires its distintive splendor in the shadows. (This is a saying you will find in Publilius Syrus. The idea is that it is when trouble comes that your good reputation will allow you to shine forth. )