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Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 128: Latin


1669. Frango dura patientia.

1670. Fortunae cetera mando.

1671. Deo fortunaeque committo.

1672. In vento et in aqua scribis.

1673. Aquam in cribro geris.

1674. Ranae vinum infundis.

1675. Lupi alas quaeris.

1676. Ab asino lanam quaeris.

1677. Elephantum ex musca facis.

1678. Ex arena funiculum nectis.

1679. Spargis porcis margaritas.

1680. Ante victoriam canis triumphum.

1681. Guttae pertundunt saxa.

1682. Sero molunt deorum molae.

1683. Faciunt favos et vespae.

1684. Divitiae virum faciunt.

1685. Divitiae addunt amicos plurimos.

1686. Divitiae non semper optimis contingunt.


Proverbs 1661-1670

Proverbs 1671-1680

Proverbs 1681-1690


Study Guide


1669. I break hard things with patience. (You can also find this with the neuter singular: durum frango patientia.)


1670. I consign the rest to luck. (You will find this in Ovid's Metamorphoses.)


1671. I trust in God and luck. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 3.8.96. You can also find this variant form: Deo et fortunae me committo, "I entrust myself to God and to luck.")


1672. You are writing in wind and water. (Compare a similar expression in Catullus.)


1673. You are gathering water in a sieve. (Compare a similar expression in Pliny's discussion of the Vestal virgins.) Aquam in cribro geris.


1674. You're pouring wine for a frog. (There is a parallel Greek saying in Apostolius.)


1675. You're looking for the wings on a wolf. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.4.81.)


1676. You're looking for wool from a donkey. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the AudioLatinProverbs.com blog.)


1677. You're making an elephant out of a fly. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.9.69.)


1678. You're weaving a rope from sand. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.4.78. )


1679. You're scattering pearls for pigs. (Compare the famous admonition in the Gospel of Matthew.)


1680. You're singing a song of triumph before the victory. (You can find a variant on this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.7.55.) Ante victoriam canis triumphum.


1681. Droplets drill through stone. (There are many variants on this saying, including one found in the Book of Job: Lapides excavant aquae, "Water carves out stones.")


1682. Slowly grind the mills of the gods. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 4.4.82.)


1683. Even wasps make honeycombs. (Tertullian uses this saying in his treatise against Marcion.)


1684. Riches make the man. (Compare the similar saying, Vestia virum facit, "Clothes make the man.")


1685. Riches add many friends. (You will find this saying in the Biblical Book of Proverbs.)


1686. Wealth does not always come to the best. (You will find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 3.9.99.)

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