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Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 138: Latin


1786. Deus cultores suos non deserit.

1787. Gladiator in arena consilium capit.

1788. Dulce bellum inexpertis expertus metuit.

1789. Necessitudo etiam timidos fortes facit.

1790. Nemo cum serpente securius ludit.

1791. Pecunia in arboribus non crescit.

1792. Mala radices altius arbor agit.

1793. Frondem in silvis non cernit.

1794. Exiguus ignis quantam silvam incendit.

1795. Ingentia marmora findit caprificus.


Proverbs 1781-1790

Proverbs 1791-1800


Study Guide


1786. God does not abandon those who worship him. (You can also find this variant form: Deos proniores esse in eos qui maxime illos colunt, "They say the gods are more inclined to those who worship them the most.")


1787. The gladiator is trying to make a plan when in the arena. (Of course, that's a bit late to be making plans! You can find this saying in Publilius Syrus.)


1788. War is sweet to those with no experience; the man with experience is afraid. (You can find this in Erasmus's Adagia, Adagia 4.1.1. Sometimes just the short version is used: dulce bellum inexpertis.)


1789. Necessity makes even the timid be brave. (You can find this saying in Sallust.)


1790. No one can play really safely with a snake. (Compare the English proverb, "play with fire and you'll get burned.")


1791. Money does not grow in trees. (This is one of those proverbs that is so enormously popular in English that it circulates freely on the Internet in Latin as well.)


1792. A bad tree drives its roots more deeply. (You will find this saying in Ovid.)


1793. He can't see the leaves in the forest. (You can find this saying in Ovid.)


1794. A little fire, how much forest it burns! (This is a variation on the expression in the Biblical Letter of James.)


1795. The wild fig tree breaks through immense marble blocks. (You can find a variation on this saying in Martial.)

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