Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next
Group 142: Latin
1829. Induis me leonis exuvium.
1830. Per mare quaeris aquam.
1831. A pumice aquam petis.
1832. In mare fundis aquas.
1833. Mari aquam addis.
1834. Ignem igni addis.
1835. In flammam flammas, in mare fundis aquas.
1836. Magno flumini rivulum inducis.
1837. Semina spargis in Oceanum.
1838. Apros immittis fontibus.
Proverbs 1821-1830
Proverbs 1831-1840
Study Guide
1829. You are making me wear a lion's skin. (You can read a brief essay about this proverb at the blog.)
1830. You are looking for water all over the sea. (In other words: you are a foolish person! It's right there! Compare Propertius: insanus medio flumine quaeris aquam, "a crazy man, you are seeking water in the midst of the stream.")
1831. You are trying to get water from stone. (Compare the English saying about trying to get "blood from a stone." You can also find this in the negative form: Aquam a pumice ne expostules, "Don't ask for water from a stone.")
1832. You are pouring water into the sea. (You will find this saying in Ovid.)
1833. You are adding water to sea. (Compare the similarly foolish notion: In mari aquam quaeris, "you are looking for water in the sea." Of course the sea is full of water: you should be able to find it without any trouble, and the sea has plenty of water without you adding any more.)
1834. You are adding fire to fire. (Sometimes you will find this in the negative form: ignem igni ne addas, "don't add fire to the fire." You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.2.8.)
1835. You are adding flame to flame, and water to the sea. (You will find this saying in Ovid.)
1836. You are leading the little stream to a great flood. (In other words, you are adding in some trivial detail to a serious matter of some sort. You will find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 3.1.44.)
1837. You are casting your seeds into the ocean. (Compare the similar saying: In aqua sementem facis, "you are sowing in water.")
1838. You are letting the wild boars into the springs. (Needless to say, the boars are going to muddy the clear waters of the springs! The saying is derived from Vergil.)
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