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Group 158: Latin


2025. Dare deo accipere est.

2026. Dare melius est quam accipere.

2027. Accipere quam facere iniuriam praestat.

2028. Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum.

2029. Sanat, sanctificat, ditat te surgere mane.

2030. A bove maiori discit arare minor.

2031. Difficile est sorbere et simul flare.

2032. Facere quam sanare vulnera facilius.

2033. Cito aegrotamus, tarde convalescimus.

2034. Virtutem saepe laudamus, raro colimus.

2035. Quae peccamus iuvenes, ea luimus senes.

2036. Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.

2037. Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt.

2038. Magna di curant, parva neglegunt.

2039. Armat spina rosas, mella tegunt apes.

2040. Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.


Study Guide


2025. To give to god is to receive. (Thomas Aquinas looks at the other side of the equation: Non enim potest homo dare Deo, nisi quae a Deo accepit, "A person cannot give something to God except for what he has gotten from God.")

2026. It is better to give than to receive. (Compare Acts 20:35: beatius est magis dare quam accipere.)

2027. It is better to suffer an injury than to inflict one. (You can find this saying in Cicero.)

2028. To make mistakes is a human thing; to forgive is a divine thing. (Compare a more secular comment by Cicero: Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare. There is a very famous version in Alexander Pope: "Good-Nature and Good-Sense must ever join; / To err is Humane; to Forgive, Divine.")

Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum.

2029. Getting up early makes you healthy, holy and wealthy. (You may be familiar with Ben Franklin's "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealth and wise." Here's The Book of Husbandry from1523 by Anthony Fitzherbert: "At grammer-scole I lerned a verse, that is this, Sanat, sanctificat, et ditat surgere mane. That is to say, Erly rysyng maketh a man hole in body, holer in soule, and rycher in goodes.")

Sanat, sanctificat, ditat te surgere mane.

2030. The younger ox learns to plow from the older ox. (There is an Aesop's fable about the yoking of the oxen together so that the younger can learn from the older.)

2031. It is not easy to both blow and inhale at the same time. (Here is a more fulsome expression of the same idea: simul flare sorbereque haud factu facile est. )

2032. It is easier to cause wounds than to cure them. (You can find this comparison in Quintilian: tanto est accusare quam defendere, quanto facere quam sanare uulnera facilius, "just as it is easier to accuse than to defend, so it is easier to make wounds than to heal them.")

2033. We get sick quickly; we recover slowly. (The pair cito...tarde is commonly found in Latin expressions, as in Tacitus: Lamenta ac lacrimas cito, dolorem et tristitiam tarde ponunt.)

2034. We often praise virtue; we rarely cultivate it. (The pair saepe...raro is commonly found in Latin expressions, as here in Martial: haec, quae saepe solet vinci, quae vincere raro.)

2035. The crimes we commit as young men, we pay for when old. (Compare the English saying "Young men's knocks old men feel.")

2036. Those who flee across the sea change the sky but not their soul. (You will find this saying in Horace.)

2037. When fools avoid vices, they rush into the opposite. (This saying can also be found in Horace.)

2038. The gods worry about great affairs; they ignore the small stuff. (You will find this saying in Cicero.)

2039. The thorn defends the roses; bees cover the honey. (This saying from Claudianus became popular in the emblem tradition, as here in Vaenius's Amorum emblemata.)

2040. They make desolation; they name it peace. (You can find this saying in Tacitus.)


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