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Group 159: Latin


2041. Ardet virtus, non urit.

2042. Qui bene vivit, bene docet.

2043. Bis discit qui docet.

2044. Falsum committit qui verum tacet.

2045. Qui multum habet, plus cupit.

2046. Quo plus habet, eo plus cupit.

2047. Is minimo eget mortalis qui minimum cupit.

2048. Pauper est non qui parum habet sed qui plus cupit.

2049. Non rudit onager cum herbam habet.

2050. Dat quodcumque libet fortuna rapitque vicissim.

2051. Nunc pluit et claro nunc Iuppiter aethere fulget.


Study Guide


2041. Virtue is a blazing fire but does not burn. (This is a popular family motto; compare Moses and the "burning bush" of the Bible: videbat quod rubus arderet et non conbureretur, "he saw that the bush burned and was not consumed.")

2042. He who lives well, teaches well. (This is from the "Hortulus Rosarum" of Thomas a Kempis; the full phrase is: qui bene vivit bene docet; et qui bene legit, Dei nuntius est.)

2043. He who teaches learns twice. (There are many variations on this saying: cum docemus, discimus; dum docent, discunt; docendo discimus, etc.)

2044. The man who keeps quiet about the truth perpetrates a falsehood. (This is from the Latin legal tradition.)

2045. He who has much wants more. (You can find this saying in Seneca.)

2046. The more he has, the more he wants. (This sentence shows nicely how the correlative words quo...eo... can be used to create a Latin sentence. Compare, for example, this sentence: Quo plus litteris studet, eo plus discit, ""The more he studies literature, the more he learns.")

2047. The mortal man who craves very little needs very little. (You will find this saying in Publilius Syrus.)

2048. It is not the man who has little who is poor, but rather the man who wants more. (This saying is adapted from Seneca.)

2049. The onager does not bray when he has grass. (The onager is a familiar figure from Aesop's fables.)

2050. Fortune gives whatever she pleases and snatches it away at other times. (The word vicissim is perfectly suited to the shifting nature of fortune. Compare this similar saying: Fortunam facit ars, artem fortuna vicissim, "Sometimes skill creates luck, at other times luck creates skill.")

2051. Now Jupiter rains, and now Jupiter shines from a clear sky. (You can find this in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.8.65.)


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