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Group 162: Latin


2078. Miserias lenit quies.

2079. Tempus dolorem lenit.

2080. Amor ordinem nescit.

2081. Sol omnia aperit.

2082. Letum non omnia finit.

2083. Nescit homo finem suum.

2084. Cineri gloria sera venit.

2085. Nox furibus, lux veritati convenit.

2086. Sub omni lapide scorpius dormit.

2087. Nutrit et accipiter pullos suos.

2088. Transilit et fati litora magnus amor.

2089. Et terram rumor transilit et maria.

2090. Ex ovis pravis non bona venit avis.

2091. Rana in paludem ex throno resilit auro.

2092. Inanis venter non audit verba libenter.

2093. Sera tamen tacitis poena venit pedibus.

2094. Scit multa vulpes, magnum echinus unicum.


Study Guide


2078. Calm softens suffering. (You can find this saying in Seneca's Medea.)

2079. Time softens grief. (There are many similar sayings about the healing power of time: tempus facit aerumnas leves; tempus omnia sanat, etc.)

2080. Love knows no rank. (This is from one of the letters of St. Jerome, 7.6.)

2081. The sun reveals all things. (Compare Fulgenius: sol omnia obscura manifestat in lucem.)

2082. Death does not end all things. (You can find this saying in Propertius.)

2083. A person does not know his own end. (The saying comes from the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes.)

2084. Glory comes late to the ashes. (Notice how the adjective here, modifying the subject of the verb, functions something like an adverb. You can find this saying in Martial.)

2085. Night befits thieves, light befits the truth. (The saying is adapted from the Greek playwright Euripides.)

2086. Under every rock sleeps a scorpion. (You can find this saying in Erasmus's Adagia, 1.4.34.)

2087. Even the hawk nurses its chicks. (Note the adverbial use of et, "the hawk too" or "even the hawk." )

2088. A great love can leap over even the shores of fate. (The saying is adapted from Propertius.)

2089. Rumor leaps over the land and the seas. (This saying also comes from Propertius.)

2090. From bad eggs no good bird comes. (Compare the saying ex pravo pullus bonus ovo non venit ullus.)

2091. The frog leaps from the golden throne into the swamp. (Compare this similar saying: Rana in paludem resilit, etiam si in solio locaveris. In English you could say, "You can take the frog out of the swamp, but you can't take the swamp out of the frog.")

2092. An empty stomach does not willingly listen to words. (There are many variations on this saying, such as ieiunus venter non audit verba libenter; venter famelicus auriculis caret; difficile est vacuo verbis imponere ventri, etc.)

2093. On quiet feet punishment comes, albeit late. (You will find this saying in Tibullus.)

2094. The fox knows many things; the hedgehog knows one big thing. (You can read an essay on this saying at the blog.)


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