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Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 170: Latin


2193. Vae, puto, deus fio!

2194. Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio.

2195. Omnia causa fiunt.

2196. Omnia casu fiunt.

2197. Omnia fato fiunt.

2198. Dulcia quandoque amara fiunt.

2199. Lucrum sine damno alterius fieri non potest.

2200. Te de aliis quam alios de te suavius est fieri doctos.

2201. Hoc est, sic est; aliud fieri non potest.

2202. De minimis granis fit magnus acervus.

2203. De rebus minimis fit saepe molestia grandis.

2204. Ex magna cena stomacho fit maxima poena.


Study Guide


2193. Alas, I suspect - I am becoming a god! (These are the words attributed to the dying emperor Vespasian.)

2194. I endeavor to be brief; I end up sounding vague. (You will find this saying in Horace's Ars Poetica.)

2195. All things happen for a reason. (The word causa here is in the ablative case. The saying comes from the Latin legal tradition.)

2196. All things happen by chance. (With just a simple play on words, this saying provides a view quite opposite to the preceding proverb, which stated, Omnia causa fiunt.)

2197. All things happen by fate. (This saying is adapted from Cicero's De Fato.)

2198. Sweet things sometimes become bitter. (You can find this saying in Alciato's Emblemata. You can compare an opposite state of perceptions, with the bitter seeming sweet, in this saying: Animae esurienti etiam amara dulcia videntur.)

2199. There cannot be profit except at someone else's loss. (You can find this in Publilius Syrus.)

2200. It is sweeter for you to become wise based on others than for others to become wise based on you. (The idea is that you want to learn from the mistakes other people make, rather than having them profit by your mistakes! You can find this saying in Plautus's Persa.)

2201. This is it, so it is; it could not be otherwise. (This saying is adapted from a Roman epitaph.)

2202. From the littlest seeds grows a great heap. (A simpler version of this saying states: Ex granis fit acervus. For the task of building that heap, compare this saying: Adde parvum parvo, magnus acervus erit.)

2203. From the smallest things often comes a great trouble. (This is a medieval proverb in leonine verse form, a dactylic line with internal rhyme.)

2204. From a big dinner comes the biggest penalty for the stomach. (This is advice from the medieval Regimen Sanitatis.)




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