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Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 179: Latin


2317. Non sum qualis eram.

2318. Quam bene Saturno vivebant rege.

2319. Iam Troiae sic fata ferebant.

2320. Ruebant victores victique.

2321. In ferrum pro libertate ruebant.

2322. Erant autem uterque nudi et non erubescebant.

2323. Quem taurum metuis, vitulum mulcere solebas.

2324. Falces petebam, at hi ligones denegant.

2325. Omnia iam fiunt, fieri quae posse negabam.

2326. Quicquid tangebam, crescebat tamquam favus.

2327. Fortunae filius, in manu illius plumbum aurum fiebat.


Study Guide


2317. I am not such as I was.


2318. How well they lived when Saturn was king.


2319. In this way then did Troy's destiny tend.


2320. The victors and the vanquished rushed on.


2321. They rushed onto the sword for the sake of liberty.


2322. They were both naked and they did not blush.


2323. The bull whom you fear you used to stroke as a calf.


2324. I asked for scythes, and they deny me mattocks.


2325. All things are now happening, which I said could not be.


2326. Whatever I touched grew like a beanstalk.


2327. He is fortune's son; in his hand, lead turned to gold.





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