

Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 181: Latin


2341. Cum bonis ambula.

2342. Cum lupis ulula.

2343. Da dextram misero.

2344. Da locum melioribus.

2345. Fugit hora, ora.

2346. Longa via est, propera.

2347. Quod potes, id tenta.

2348. Da, si vis accipere.

2349. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

2350. Medice, cura te ipsum!


Study Guide


2341. Walk with the good people.


2342. Howl with the wolves.


2343. Reach out your right hand to the unfortunate.


2344. Give way to your betters.


2345. Time is flying: pray.


2346. The road is long: hurry!


2347. Attempt what you can.


2348. Give, if you want to receive.


2349. If you want peace, prepare for war.


2350. Doctor, heal yourself!