Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next
Group 189: Latin
2438. Carpe diem.
2439. Respice finem.
2440. Neminem laede.
2441. Neminem metue innocens.
2442. Excute corde metum.
2443. Pelle timorem.
2444. Nosce teipsum.
2445. Teipsum inspice.
2446. Fide deo, diffide tibi.
2447. Compesce mentem.
2448. Occasionem cognosce.
2449. Altiora pete.
2450. Parentes patientia vince.
Study Guide
2438. Seize the day.
2439. Look to the end.
2440. injure no one.
2441. Being innocent, fear no one.
2442. Cast out fear from your mind.
2443. Drive out fear.
2444. Know yourself.
2445. Examine yourself.
2446. Trust in god, doubt yourself.
2447. Restrain your mind.
2448. Know the moment.
2449. Seek higher things.
2450. Conquer your parents with patience.
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