

Latin Via Proverbs: Home - Previous - Next


Group 198: Latin


2549. Aliena noli curare.

2550. Miserum noli irridere.

2551. Prava revelare si vis, noli properare.

2552. Contra verbosos noli contendere verbis.

2553. In mortem alterius spem tu tibi ponere noli.

2554. Dimidium facti perfectum dicere noli.

2555. Quod bene potes facere, noli differre.

2556. Rogo te, hospes; noli ossa mea violare!

2557. Illotis manibus rem sacram tangere noli.

2558. Cum tuus es, noli servire nisi tibi soli.

2559. Noli dicere omnia quae scis quia qui dicit omnia quae scit saepe audit quod non vult.

2560. Noli facere omnia quae potes quia qui facit omnia quae potest saepe incurrit quod non credit.

2561. Noli credere omnia quae audis quia qui credit omnia quae audit saepe credit quod non est.

2562. Noli dare omnia quae habes quia qui dat omnia quae habet saepe misere quaerit quod non habet.

2563. Noli iudicare omnia quae vides quia qui iudicat omnia quae videt saepe contemnit quod non debet.


Study Guide


2549. Do not busy yourself in other people's affairs.

2550. Do not mock a man who is wretched.

2551. If you want to disclose corruption, don't be in a rush about it.

2552. Do not compete in a contest of words with people who are full of words.

2553. Do not put your hope in another's death.

2554. Do not say that half of a task is the whole thing finished.

2555. Do not put off what you can do well.

2556. I ask you, my guest: do not disturb my bones.

2557. Do not touch the sacred thing with unwashed hands.

2558. When you are your own person, do not serve anyone except yourself alone.

2559. Do not say everything that you know, because he who says everything that he knows often hears something he does not want to hear.

2560. Do not do everything that you can, because he who does everything that he can often runs into something he cannot believe.

2561. Do not believe everything that you hear, because he who believes everything that he hears often believes something that is not true.

2562. Do not give away everything that you have, because he who gives away everything that he has often unhappily seeks what he does not have.

2563. Do not judge everything that you see, because he who judges everything that he sees often condemns what he should not.